Rooms of all our own

The Times Literary Supplement discusses all the reasons why you should read Professor Sarah Ross’s new book on Women Poets of the English Civil War.

Book cover - Women poets of English civil war, edited by, Sarah C.E. Ross and Elizabeth Scottt-Baumann.

"When in the late 1980s and early 90s some of us discovered that there were, as it turned out, many women writers contemporary with Milton and with Shakespeare and that none of them was buried at some obscure crossroads where the buses now stop outside the Elephant and Castle, our first simple question was: why did nobody tell us this before? There was no conspiracy of silence. Most of our professors didn’t know, either. The knowledge had been lost. Lost, piece by piece; it didn’t matter enough to anyone to be preserved, and it didn’t really matter enough to anyone to be deliberately deleted. Some of us set out to reverse the work of time, because we found that it mattered to us."

Read the rest of the discussion on The Times Literary Supplement.

Diane Purkiss. Rooms of all our own. The Times Literary Supplement. 12 February 2019.