Publications Malcolm Ingham

Sea ice

Gouws, G., Ingham, M., Buchanan, S., Boyack, R., Mahoney, A. & Gough, A., 2010. Impedance measurement systems for sea ice microstructure determination. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Sensing Technology, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, June 3- 5, 2010, pp. 572 - 577.

Gouws, G., Ingham, M., Buchanan, S., Hibbard, A., Mahoney, A. & Gough, A., 2009. Low frequency permittivity measurements of sea ice. Proceedings 8th IEEE Sensors Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 - 28 October, 2009, pp. 100 - 104.

Pringle, D. & Ingham, M., 2009. Measuring sea ice thermal, electrical and hydraulic properties and processes. In: Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research. Eds: Eicken,H., Gradinger, R., Salganek, M., Shirasawa, K., Perovich, D. & Lepparanta, M., University of Alaska Press.

Ingham, M., Pringle, D. & Eicken, H., 2008. Cross-borehole resistivity tomography of sea ice. Cold Reg. Sci. Tech., 52, 263-277.


Ingham, M.R., Bibby, H.M., Heise, W., Jones, K.A., Cairns, P., Dravitzki, S., Bennie, S.L., Caldwell, T.G. & Ogawa, Y., 2009. A magnetotelluric study of Mount Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand. Geophys. J. Int., 179, 887-904.

Cassidy, J., Ingham, M., Locke, C.A. & Bibby. H.M., 2009. Subsurface structure across the axis of the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand. J. Vol. Geotherm. Res., 179, 233-240.

Stagpoole, V. M., Bennie, S. L., Bibby, H.M., Dravitzki, S. & Ingham, M.R., 2009. Deep structure of a major subduction back thrust: magneto-telluric investigations of the Taranaki Fault, New Zealand. Tectonophysics, 463, 77-85.

Jones, K., Ingham, M. & Bibby, H., 2008. A high frequency MT study of the hydrothermal vent system of Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand. J. Vol. Geotherm. Res., 176, 591-600.

Ingham, M. & Turner, G., 2008. A model of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition using Gauss coefficients.Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 168, 163-178.

Groundwater hydrology

Morrow, F.J., Ingham, M. & McConchie, J.A., 2010. Monitoring of tidal influences on the saline interface using resistivity traversing and cross-borehole resistivity tomography. Journal of Hydrology, 389, 69-77.