Prize details

Former Economics and Finance Staff : Student Award


$1000 (subject to available funds)

Closing date:

No application required


This prize is available only to Honours students, and Master's degree by course work in Economics and/or Finance students, who are completing their degree in the year of the award.

Students completing Master's by thesis only, and Professional Master's degrees are not eligible. (For the avoidance of doubt, only students that complete graduate qualifications that explicitly lay the basis for entry to a PhD programme in Economics or Finance are eligible.)


This prize was established via the Victoria University Foundation by former staff of the School of Economics and Finance to recognise excellence in a student specialising in Economics and/or Finance.

  • One award will be available each year for one student only.
  • Selection to be by the School of Economics and Finance Graduate Study Committee (SEFGS). The awarding decision to be taken and reported by the School before December the 15th in any year.
  • No award shall be made in any year in which the SEFGS Committee considers there is no candidate of sufficient merit.
  • Recipients will be asked to write a thank you letter to the donors of the award.