VBS academics attend the 2018 Asian Pacific Copyright Association Conference

Associate Professor Susan Corbett and Dr Jessica Lai from the School of Accounting and Commercial Law recently organised the 2018 Asian Pacific Copyright Association (APCA) Conference, hosted by the Intellectual Property Academy, Renmin University of China in Beijing.

The APCA Conference provides a forum for discussion to promote the maintenance and development of copyright and related rights in the Asia-Pacific region through legislation, dialogue and education.

The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Copyright Licensing and Regulation in the Asian Pacific’. This broad topic inspired thought-provoking and innovative presentations by academics from various parts of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as from Chinese intellectual property businesses, collective licensing organisations, and government officials.

Associate Professor Susan Corbett, who is the APCA President, said it was extremely successful and generated new insights.

“We discovered that Chinese citizens are not able to access the APCA website, which is currently hosted by Google.”

This discovery was important, as by addressing it APCA can make the most of the enthusiasm in China that was stimulated by the conference.