Cultivating Creative Capital

The cultivation of creative capital is tightly bound with Victoria University of Wellington’s identity and Wellington’s. The University fosters and celebrates the capacity to imagine and to express new possibilities through creative activity.

What we do

Victoria University of Wellington plays a vital role in nurturing imagination and innovation in Wellington and beyond—watch the video from theme chair Professor Jennifer Windsor.

Imagination, innovation, and risk-taking

Victoria University of Wellington has a rich tradition and history of staff and student creativity. We understand that creativity, creative literacy, and unfettered imagination make vital contributions to New Zealand society.

Those leading the University’s commitment to cultivating creative capital (Te Au a Raukatauri | Atina’eina o tamāo’aiga fa’ava) are people with diverse expertise and a commitment to imagination, innovation, and risk-taking.

We are focused on understanding how a wide range of people and groups imagine cultivating creative capital and exploring the potential to partner with Wellington communities and businesses on creative collaborations.

Te Au a Raukatauri—Cultivating Creative Capital

Raukatauri is the female origin of musical instruments and performing arts. Raukatauri is also the common bag moth that eats the leaves of native plants and when the wind blows through its wings sound is created indicating that from nature creativity can be produced. Au has been used again to suggest movement and it translates as the movement of Raukatauri.

The dark wooden desk that belonged to Janet Frame.

Celebrating our creative legacy

Explore Victoria University of Wellington’s creative past, present and future through our digital archive.

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Creative Victoria

Over 119 years, Victoria University of Wellington has made huge contributions to the cultural and creative life of Wellington, New Zealand, and beyond. Written by Rachel Barrowman, Creative Victoria details this rich and distinctive history.

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Cover of book Creative Victoria.
Silver letters of the alphabet taken from an old typewriter

The value of creativity

Creative writing is not a luxury—having imaginative, literate people is of fundamental value to the social and economic wellbeing of society.

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Our research

Victoria University of Wellington is New Zealand’s leading research university for all aspects of creative exploration in areas ranging from architecture and design and education to creative writing, science history and languages and cultures.

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Aerial shot of Wellington CBD

Creativity scholarships

Victoria University of Wellington has awarded Creativity Scholarships that celebrate exceptional creativity by undergraduate students across all disciplines.