The job that never loses its appeal

Chief Ombudsman Judge Peter Boshier reflects on his student days and his varied career in law since graduating from Victoria.

Judge Peter Boshier, Victoria Alumni
Image supplied

Judge Peter Boshier

Chief Ombudsman


What kind of work have you been doing since you graduated?

My career has all been related to the law but certainly varied. After a period of practice, I was appointed as a District Court Judge. In 2004, I became Principal Family Court Judge and later moved to the Law Commission. Late last year, I became Chief Ombudsman.

What are some of the highlights of your career to date?

My education at Victoria paved the way for some fairly interesting work. Coming in as Principal Family Court Judge when the Care of Children Act was passed and markedly changed so many aspects of Family Law, was a definite highlight as was the ability to spend so much time in the Pacific educating judges about family violence and youth justice issues.

What are some of your favourite memories of Victoria University?

Of course, the ‘professional’ side of my law degree was very enriching, but equally so was the force of student politics, debate and publishing both Salient (Victoria’s student magazine) and Caveat (the Faculty of Law student newspaper). My memories of through-the-night publication layout endure! The old fashioned hotels and pubs around Wellington gave us plenty of choice for relaxing and discussing the world’s affairs over a beer.

What has stayed with you since you left Victoria?

You can’t undertake the sort of jobs that I have been lucky enough to have without a really sound base of good knowledge of law and technique. Victoria taught law so very well and still does. That, combined with some insights and maturity that I think student life gave me, set me up pretty well for what, I would have to say, has been a wonderful career.