Celebrating 30 years of Summer Shakespeare

Summer Shakespeare reached its 30-year milestone this year, with past players gathering to celebrate in the capital.


An event hosted by Vice-Chancellor Professor Pat Walsh marked the opening of an exhibition of images and promotional material from past productions at the St James Theatre, presented by the Summer Shakespeare Trust. The exhibition pictured some of Victoria’s most well-known performing arts alumni at work at the beginning of their careers.

Professor Adrian Kiernander, director of the first Summer Shakespeare production A Midsummer Night’s Dream, in 1983, and the 10th anniversary production, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, in 1993, spoke at the event. Adrian is currently Professor of Theatre Performance at the University of New England, New South Wales.

From the inaugural performance in the old Quad, the annual summer event has become an institution for theatre-going Wellingtonians, many of whom attended February’s event.

To view more photos from the evening, visit the Alumni and Friends website.