Impact of train strike

The University is open as normal tomorrow Thursday 16 November for all services, including any scheduled teaching, and all exams will proceed, despite the 24 hour train strike.

Staff and students who were planning to travel in by train should:

  • Make alternative travel arrangements as soon as possible
  • Expect delays caused by heavy traffic—consider leaving home earlier than normal
  • Consider alternative transport options, for example carpooling, or arrange to stay with friends

If you have an exam tomorrow and have concerns about getting to it on time, please contact your Faculty exam coordinator.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science – Kate Gerrard – 04-463 5746

Science and Engineering – Jessica Cameron – 04-463 5101 or Annemarie Thorby – 463 7473

Victoria Business School – Owen Force – 04-463 5165

Please be assured that the University has processes in place to deal with this kind of situation.

For staff who expect to be affected, please communicate with your manager.