Victoria graduate awarded ‘best brain’ scholarship to study neuropsychology

Victoria University psychology graduate Kate Bray has had a boost to her postgraduate studies thanks to a prestigious scholarship established to reward the best brains in the country.

Kate, who completed an honours degree in psychology from Victoria, has been awarded the William Georgetti scholarship towards her PhD and clinical training in neuropsychology at the University of Melbourne. Kate will benefit from $25,000 each year for up to four years.

“While studying psychology and biology at Victoria, I became very interested in conditions of the brain, and am excited to be pursuing both clinical and research work in this area,” she says. 

Kate says she is very grateful to receive the William Georgetti scholarship which was established in 1943 from the estate of William Georgetti who desired “that the best brains available shall receive the benefit of this trust”. Mr Georgetti farmed an extensive property at Crissoge Farm near Hastings which is today held in trust and provides a rental income that, with other investments, funds the scholarship.

The William Georgetti Scholarship is awarded annually to encourage postgraduate study and research in a field which is judged to be important to the social, cultural and economic development of New Zealand.