Law Review subscription information

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New Zealand NZ$150 (incl GST)
Australia: NZ$180
Elsewhere: NZ$200

Back issues are available for NZ$50 (incl GST and postage) per issue.

To order in New Zealand and the rest of the world (except North America) contact:

Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Faculty of Law
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand

Phone: +64 4 463 6366
Fax: +64 4 463 6365

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Victoria University of Wellington Law Review back issues

To request copies of past issues of Victoria University of Wellington Law Review please contact or you can use the order and pay online link above.

Other availability

As well as being available in hard-copy, full text versions of the journal are available on the following databases:

NB: You will need a subscription to access most of these.