English corpora resources

Order transcripts from the three collections of New Zealand English corpora from the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.

Linguists at Victoria University of Wellington have been involved in the collection of New Zealand English for three different corpora, one spoken, one written, and a third which includes both spoken and written data. The transcripts from the corpora are available as text files.

How to order

Each of the corpora are subject to conditions of use. Fill out the relevant agreement form and email to corpus-manager@vuw.ac.nz. On receipt of the appropriate forms the corpora will be sent out.


To order a copy of the WWC and WSC the Wellington Corpora of English Conditions of Use Form must be filled in and returned.


To order a copy of the ICE-NZ, the first page of the ICE-NZ Licensing Agreement must be filled in and returned.

For more information contact

Corpus Manager
Archive of New Zealand English
School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Email: corpus-manager@vuw.ac.nz