Intermittent auscultation (IA) as fetal monitoring during labour: a systematic scoping review to identify methods of IA and their effects

The aims are to produce a map of all different methods of performing IA during childbirth and their effects, advantages and disadvantages. Scoping reviews allow researchers to examine all types of research literature and grey literature within their chosen area and apply a systematic approach to mapping the literature, methods, evidence, theories and research gaps within a specified area.

Dr Robyn Maude

Associate Professor in Midwifery · Associate Professor of Midwifery
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Practice

  • CS 705, Wellington Hospital, Cs Block, Riddiford St, Newtown

Associate Professor in Midwifery · Head of Programme for Midwifery
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Practice · Midwifery

  • CS 721, Wellington Hospital, Cs Block, Riddiford St, Newtown