Presentation of your thesis

Read about the guidelines for proofreading of theses and the formatting requirements

If you are about to graduate with a doctoral or Master’s degree, you must supply the library with a digital copy of the final version of your thesis. The library provide guidelines that set out the standard formats for research theses but, with prior permission, the Library will also accept non-standard formats.

Editorial matters

The presentation of your thesis is important. Typos and inconsistent presentation do not necessarily detract from the academic content of your thesis, but quality presentation is part of being professional. Errors can give the impression that you do not care about details.

Try to make your thesis look good. You should:

  • make consistent use of italics e.g., in names of biological species or in titles
  • make consistent use of fonts for the body text and for headings
  • use a consistent format for references to works you cite
  • use a consistent format for publications in your bibliography/reference list
  • not have too many spaces between words
  • not have any spelling mistakes.

Check for typos and inconsistencies before you submit, examiners will often comment on such things.

Make sure you back up your work in more than one place.

Getting someone else to proofread your thesis

The University has guidelines about the input that other people can have into your thesis. If you give your thesis to friends, colleagues or professionals for proof-reading and other advice, you must also give them a copy of the Editorial Advice Policy and the Guidelines to Accompany the Editorial Advice Policy.