Lectures, talks and seminars

Rutherford House MZ05, Mezzanine Floor, Pipitea campus

Presented by


Businesses may achieve this individually or through their industry associations, in their capacity of policy stakeholders. This research applies a theoretical framework developed by the author to examine whether New Zealand tourism businesses utilised their policy-making stakeholder roles on two key occasions: the elaboration of the 2025 National Tourism Strategy and of the 2008-2018 negotiated agreement for the allocation of tourism concessions in limited-supply contexts, in Public Conservation Lands.

The application of the PARO framework (Policy Activities - Recruitment methods – Objectives) shows that generous stakeholder engagement opportunities were offered to co-design these policy instruments. Despite that, environmental sustainability provisions have been missing or tardy (post 2017 elections) and rather symbolic. The seminar also puts forward ideas for further research.

Speaker Bios

Valentina Dinica is Associate Professor in Public Policy and Sustainability at the School of Government Victoria Business School. She is the Convener of New Zealand Environmental Policy and Politics Network of the New Zealand Political Science Association, a member of the IUCN Tourism and Protected Areas Specialists group (TAPAS) and a member of the international BEST-EN Network: Building Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Education Network. Her most recent publication is the co-edited book Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR 2.0) in Tourism: A transformative concept, where she (co)authored five chapters: https://www.springer.com/cn/book/9783030156237.

For more information contact: Luisa Acheson

luisa.acheson@vuw.ac.nz 04 463 5381