Forums and symposia

Registration is essential

The National Library of New Zealand, Cnr Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington


Traditional media outlets are denounced as enemies of the people. Academics and ‘experts’ are increasingly distrusted. More and more people turn to the echo chambers of digital media for their information. In this disturbing world, what is fake and what is real? And, perhaps more importantly, who decides?

This panel brings together scholars from around the world, to discuss where and how knowledge is generated and disseminated, and how it affects our politics, business, education, information systems and social wellbeing.

Avoid filter bubbles and learn about this important issue straight from these internationally respected sources:

Professor Rosa Chun (University College Dublin)

Associate Professor Val Hooper (Victoria University of Wellington)

Dan Maffei (George Washington University, Washington D.C.)

Associate Professor Michael Macaulay (Victoria University of Wellington)

Professor Leyland Pitt (Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki)

Linda Savoie (Library and Archives Canada)

Associate Professor Eugene Tan (Singapore Management University)

Associate Professor Werner Webb (University of South Africa)

For more information contact: Carla Davidson

04 463 6621