
Our staff are aware that personal information we hold about you may be of a private and confidential nature.

Privacy and confidentiality

We care about your privacy and want to be open with you about what we do with your personal information.

We are aware that personal information we hold about you may be of a private and confidential nature. When we collect, store, and access your information, we are guided by the Health Information Privacy Code, the Health Act, the Pastoral Care Code, allied health professional body codes, and the University’s privacy notice.

As a general rule, the personal information you disclose to us is treated as confidential and not available to anyone outside of Te Amaru—Disability Services, except with your consent. However, we do need to share relevant information with others when there is a concern for your health, wellbeing, safety, or behaviour; or the health, wellbeing, safety, or behaviour of someone else; or when there is a legal duty to provide health information. An example of this is sharing wellbeing information with another University service to ensure you are receiving the best possible support (e.g., a Mental Health Coordinator at Mauri Ora).

Choosing to share your disability needs and the inclusive strategies and support you need with your academic and other services staff can be greatly beneficial to ensuring your needs are met; your disability and inclusion adviser can support you with this.

When you register with us, your enrolment details will be updated to indicate that you have a disability; this is also confidential and used for statistical purposes only.

If you have questions about your privacy and confidentiality, please discuss these with your disability and inclusion adviser.