Confucius Institute criteria for MLA

Criteria for MLA applications if you wish to to become an MLA at Victoria University of Wellington.

Being a Mandarin Language Assistant

Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand

Each year Xiamen University and the Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington select Mandarin Language Assistants (MLAs) from the top universities in China.

Selected MLAs are placed in New Zealand schools for the purpose of developing, assisting and supporting the Chinese language classes at these schools.

The annual MLA selection process is rigorous, involving face-to-face interviews held in China and conducted in English by the Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington.

Selection takes into account the characteristics and needs of New Zealand schools and students, and the specific competencies and attributes of candidates to meet these requirements fully. A range of different MLAs are usually selected to be placed in a variety of New Zealand locations, both urban and rural.

Here is what you need to be should you wish to apply to Centre for Language Education and Cooperation and Xiamen University to become a Confucius Institute MLA at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.


You will:

  • Be a university graduate with a fully completed Bachelor’s Degree and have graduated officially from your university. Evidence of a Bachelor’s graduation certificate is necessary for your application to be accepted.
  • Be enrolled in a Master’s studies programme at a Chinese university, with the ability to spend a year in New Zealand working full time (not part-time) as an MLA (and not on your university papers).
  • Have a high level of understanding and verbal competency in the English language, equivalent to at least IELTS 6.5, TEM8 65 or CET 6.500.
  • Be very interested in working in a school environment and in teaching primary and high school students, possibly as a potential future profession.
  • Have a highly positive attitude to being away from China and your family and living among New Zealanders, and be sufficiently open-minded and resilient to be able to live in and learn about the New Zealand way of life which is very different from living in China.
  • Be as able to live successfully in an isolated rural community (sometimes without much internet or Wi-Fi facilities) where you could be the only Chinese person, or in a more urban environment, for one year.
  • Be versatile enough and fully able to adapt to a New Zealand lifestyle that involves speaking English, eating Western food, participating in outdoor life and sports, and getting involved in a lot of informal social interactions with teachers, homestay families and the community.
  • Be skilled in looking after your own health and well-being, while interacting fully and successfully with New Zealanders, both professionally and socially.
  • Be able to obtain a Chinese security/police clearance and get it notarized before arriving in New Zealand.







  • 具有大学本科及以上文凭,本科在校生不予考虑,申请时需提供本科学历、学位证书。
  • 中国大学在读硕士研究生,具备能够在新西兰完成为期一年的汉语教师志愿者全职工作的能力(不得以完成学校论文为目的)。
  • 需有较强的英语听说理解和沟通能力,英文能力相当于雅思6.5分以上,至少是英语专业八级65分或大学英语6级500分以上。
  • 有浓厚兴趣在学校工作,为中小学学生上课,并有志于将来从事教育相关工作。
  • 具有乐观向上的态度,对长期离开中国、在新西兰工作和生活有准备,性格开朗,适应性强,能尽快接受、学习并融入到新西兰的生活和工作方式中。
  • 无论是在没有中国人的偏僻乡村(可能会没有网络或Wi-Fi)还是在较为繁华的城市,都能成功地适应那里的为期一年的生活。
  • 多才多艺,能够适应新西兰的生活方式,包括说英语,吃西餐,参加室外活动和运动,积极参与老师、住家、社区的社会交流活动。
  • 在与当地人进行专业交流及私人交往时,要具备自我保护及防范意识,能够照顾好自己的健康和福利。
  • 需提供中国警方的无犯罪记录证明,并在前往新西兰之前将其公证。