Melanie Vauclair

Melanie Vauclair


Category: Alumni

Areas of interest

Morality; culture; values; prejudice; age discrimination; stereotypes; acculturation; intergroup relations

Selected publications

Podsiadlowski, A., Vauclair, C.-M., Spiess, E. & Stroppa, C. (in press). Social support on international assignments: The Relevance of Socio-Emotional Support from Locals. International Journal of Psychology.

Abrams, D., Vauclair, C.-M. & Swift, H. (2011). Predictors of attitudes to age across Europe. Report for the Department of Work and Pension (Report No 735).

Abrams, D., Russell, P. S., Vauclair, C.-M., & Swift, H. (2011). Ageism in Europe and the UK. Findings from the European Social Survey. A Report from EURAGE (European Research Group on Attitudes to Age) commissioned by Age UK.

Vauclair, C.-M. & Fischer, R. (2011). Do cultural values predict individuals’ moral attitudes? A cross-cultural multi-level approach. European Journal of Social Psychology.41, 468-481.

Fischer, R. & Vauclair, C.-M. (2011). Social influence and power. In C. V. Torres & E. R. Neiva (eds), Psicologia Social: Principais temas e vertentes (pp. 153-170). Porto Alegre: Artmed.

Vauclair, C.-M., Hanke, K., Fischer, R., & Fontaine, J. (2011). The structure of human values at the culture level: A meta-analytical replication of Schwartz’s value orientations using the Rokeach Value Survey. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 42, 186-205.

Fischer, R., Vauclair, C.-M., Fontaine, J. & Schwartz, S. H. (2010). Are individual- and culture-level value structures different? Testing Hofstede’s legacy with Schwartz's data. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 41, 135-151.

Vauclair, C.-M., Abrams, D., & Bratt, C. (2010). Measuring attitudes to age in Britain: Reliability and validity of the indicators. Report for the Department of Work and Pension (Working Paper No 90).

Ward, C., Masgoret, A-M. & Vauclair, C.-M. (2010). Attitudes toward immigrants and immigrant experiences – Modelling the impact of immigrant density and unemployment across Territorial Authorities. End-Report for the Department of Labour (DoL). Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington, Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research.

Vauclair, C.-M. (2009). Desired or desirable values? Considering morality in cross-cultural value research and its implications for research and measurement. Mackenzie Business Review, Special Issue: Human Values, 10, 60-83.


You can access Melanie's thesis here.