ARC student won a Science Media Centre Award

Jamey Stutz has won a Science Media Centre award for his short video 'History of David Glacier from the Cosmos to Atoms'.

An image of Jamey Stutz in Antarctica, he smiles, while wearing an orange jacket and cool sunglasses.

A team of glacial geologist tells their story of the long term history of the David Glacier. Travel from Deep space to the Antarctic and finally to the atomic level.  All this work leads to a more clear understanding of the future behaviour of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the impacts on global sea level.

"During a workshop focused on science communication, the Science Media Centre provided us simple tools to help tell our story in a clear, simple manner.  Participation in this workshop has heightened my awareness of science communication and the role of film in telling a story.  We often lose some of those folks interested in our science by going on a deep, detailed journey into the nitty gritty. For this competition, we were given 24 hours to put together a movie with the following prompt:  ‘In 90 secs or less, describe a science based initiative or project you are associated with, its outcomes and potential impact. End the video with your greatest hope, fear, and nutshell your good idea.’  Reducing my team’s work to 90 seconds was a great challenge but presents a useful opportunity to generalise without diluting the objectives of our science." says Jamey Stutz, PhD Candidate in Glaciology.

Watch Jamey's winning 90-second VDO here