Emeritus Professor Douglas Pearce

Emeritus Professor
School of Management


Doug Pearce retired in January 2015 after 15 years as Professor of Tourism Management at Victoria. He retains an active interest in destinations and destination management, the internationalization of tourism research and tourism in Latin America, Europe and Southeast Asia. Doug is an Emeritus Fellow and former vice-president of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism.


Master of Arts (1st Class Hons in Geography) University of Canterbury, 1972.

Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle (Mention Tres Bien) Universite d'Aix-Marseille II, 1975.

Publications and Presentations


Pearce, D.G., Guala, C., Veloso, K., Llano, S., Negrete, J., Rovira, A., Gale, T. & Reis, A. (2017) Destination management in Chile: objectives, actions and actors. International Journal of Tourism Research. 19:50-67. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2083

Pearce D. G. (2016). Interdependent destination management functions. Tourism Recreation Research, 41: 37-48.

Pearce, D.G. (2016) Modelos de gestión de destinos: síntesis y evaluación, Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 25, 1-16.

Pearce, D.G. (2015) Destination management: plans and practitioners’ perspectives in New Zealand, Tourism Planning & Development. DOI:10.1080/21568316.2015.1076511

Pearce, D.G. (2015) Urban management, destination management and urban destination management: a comparative review with issues and examples from New Zealand, International Journal of Tourism Cities, 1(1):1-17.

Lan Thi Phuong Nguyen & Pearce, D.G. (2015) Joint destination marketing in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4: 88-97.

Pearce, D.G. (2015) Destination management in New Zealand: structures and functions, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4:1-15.

Pearce, D.G. & Schänzel, H. (2015) Destinations: tourists’ perspectives from New Zealand, International Journal of Tourism Research. 17:4–12.

Pearce, D.G. (2014) The internationalization of tourism research, Journal of Travel Research. 53 (3): 267 - 280.

Pearce, D.G. (2014) Toward an integrative conceptual framework of destinations, Journal of Travel Research 53(2):141-153.

Pearce, D.G. (2013) Gestión de destinos turísticos en hinterlands costeros y urbanos, Revista Geográfica de Valparaíso ,48: 57-73.

Pearce, D.G. (2013) Comprometiéndose con el mundo: América Latina y la internacionalización de la investigación en turismo, Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 22(5).

Pearce, D.G. and Schänzel, H. (2013) Destination management: the tourists’ perspective, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2(3): 137-145.

Longjit, C. and Pearce, D.G. (2013) Managing a mature coastal destination: Pattaya, Thailand, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2(3):165-175.

Lohmann, G. and Pearce, D.G. (2012) Tourism and transport relationships: the suppliers’ perspective in gateway destinations in New Zealand, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1), pp.14-29.

Diem-Trinh Thi Le and Pearce, D.G. (2011) Segmenting visitors to battlefield sites: international visitors to the former Demilitarized Zone in Vietnam’, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(4), pp.451-463.

Pearce, D.G. and Schott, C. (2011) Domestic vs. outbound booking and channel choice behavior: Evidence from New Zealand, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5(2),112-127.

Lohmann, G. and Pearce, D.G. (2010) Conceptualising and operationalising tourism nodal functions, Journal of Transport Geography, 18, pp.266-275.

Pearce, D. G. (2009) Channel design for effective tourism distribution strategies, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 26 (5/6), pp. 507-521.

Pearce, D.G. (2009) Beyond tiers: a network approach to tourism distribution, Tourism Analysis 13, pp 517-530.

Pearce, D.G., Reid, L. and Schott, C. (2009) Travel arrangements and the distribution behaviour of New Zealand outbound travellers, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 26(1), pp.80-97.

Pearce, D.G. (2008) ‘Tourism planning in small tropical islands: methodological considerations and development issues in Samoa’, Études Caribéennes 9/10, pp.337-355.

Pearce, D.G. (2008) A needs-functions model of tourism distribution. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), pp.148-168.

Pearce, D.G. and Taniguchi, M. (2008) ‘Channel performance in multi-channel tourism distribution systems’. Journal of Travel Research, 46, pp.256-267.

Pearce, D.G. (2007) ‘Supplier selection in the New Zealand inbound tourism industry’, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 23, 1, pp.57-69.

Pearce, D.G. (2007) ‘Capital city tourism: perspectives from Wellington’, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 22, 3/4, pp.7-20.

Pearce, D.G. and Sahli, M. (2007) ‘Surface transport distribution channels in New Zealand: a comparative analysis’, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 22(2) pp. 57-73.

Pearce, D.G., Tan, R. and Schott, C. (2007) ‘Distribution channels in international markets: a comparative analysis of the distribution of New Zealand tourism in Australia, Great Britain and the USA’, Current Issues in Tourism, 10,1 pp. 33-60.

Sharda, S. and Pearce, D.G. (2006) ‘Tourism distribution in emerging markets: the case of Indian travel to New Zealand’, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 11(4), pp. 339-353.

Pearce, D.G. and Tan, R. (2006) The distribution mix for tourism attractions in Rotorua, New Zealand, Journal of Travel Research, 44, 2 pp. 250-258.

Stuart, P., Pearce, D.G. and Weaver, A. (2005) 'Tourism distribution channels in peripheral regions: the case of Southland, New Zealand', Tourism Geographies, 7,3, pp. 235-256.

Pearce, D.G. and Schott, C. (2005) 'Tourism distribution channels: the visitors' perspective', Journal of Travel Research, 44,1, pp. 50-63.

Pearce, D.G. (2005) 'Distribution channels for cultural tourism in Catalonia, Spain', Current Issues in Tourism, 8, 5, pp. 424-445.

Pearce, D.G. and Tan, R. (2004) 'Distribution channels for heritage and cultural tourism in New Zealand', Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 9, 3, pp. 225-237. Ms Raewyn Tan (Author).

Pearce, D.G. Tan, R. and Schott, C. (2004) 'Tourism distribution channels in Wellington, New Zealand', International Journal of Tourism Research, 6,6, pp. 397-410. Dr Christian Schott (Author), Ms Raewyn Tan (Author).

Pearce, D. G. 'Current and future directions in tourism research', Japanese Journal of Tourism Studies, 1, 1 (2002), pp. 9-20.

Pearce, D.G. 'New Zealand holiday travel to Samoa: a distribution channels approach', Journal of Travel Research, 41, 2 (2002), pp. 197-205.

Pearce, Douglas G. 'Tourism and Peripherality: Perspectives from Asia and the South Pacific', Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3, 4 (2002), pp. 295-310.

Pearce, D.G. 'An integrative framework for urban tourism research', Annals of Tourism Research, 28, 4 (2001), pp. 926-946.

Pearce, D. G. 'Islands and coastal tourism: demand and supply perspectives from Samoa, Sarawak and New Zealand', Tourism, 49, 3 (2001), pp. 255-266.

Pearce, Douglas G. 'Réflexions sur une géographie nationale du tourisme: le cas de la Nouvelle-Zélande', Annales de Géographie, 619 (2001), pp. 266-283.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism', Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 42, 1, (2001), pp. 75-84.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism and urban land use change: assessing the impact of Christchurch's tourist tramway', Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3, 2, (2001), pp. 132-148.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism, trams and local government policy-making in Christchurch, New Zealand', Current Issues in Tourism, 4, 2-4 (2001), pp. 331-354.

Pearce, D.G. 'Why do people attend events: A Comparative analysis of Visitor Motivations at Four South Island Events', Journal of Travel Research, 39, 4, (2001), pp. 449-460.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism Plan Reviews: Methodological Considerations and Issues from Samoa', Tourism Management, 21 (2000), pp. 191-203.

Pearce, D.G. and Nicholson, R., 'Who Goes to Events: A Comparative Analysis of the Profile Characteristics of Visitors to Four South Island Events in New Zealand', Journal of Vacation Marketing, 6, 3 (2000), pp. 236-253.

Pearce, D.G. 'Assessing the Impact of Urban Casinos on Tourism in New Zealand', Tourism Economics, 5, 2 (1999), pp. 141-159.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism in Paris: studies at the microscale', Annals of Tourism Research 26, 1 (1999), pp. 77-97.

Pearce, D.G. 'Towards a Geography of the Geography of Tourism: Issues and Examples from New Zealand', Tourism Geographies, 1, 4 (1999), pp. 406-424.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism Development in Paris: Public Intervention', Annals of Tourism Research, 25, 2 (1998), pp. 457-476.

Pearce, D.G.and Priestley, G.K., 'Tourism in Spain: a spatial analysis and synthesis', Tourism Analysis, 2,3/4 (1998), pp. 185-205.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourist Districts in Paris: Structure and Functions', Tourism Management, 19,1 (1998), pp. 49-65.

Books/scholarly editions

Pearce D.G. Frameworks for Tourism Research, (Wallingford, CABI, 2012), 200pp.

Pearce, D.G. Geografia do Turismo: fluxos e regioes no Mercado de viagens (Sao Paulo, Aleph, 2003), 387pp.

Pearce, D.G. and Butler, R.W. (eds) Desenvolvimento em turismo: Temas contemporaneos, (Sâo Paulo, Editora Contexto, 2002), 325pp.

Pearce, D.G. Gendai Kanko Chirigaku, A Japanese edition of Tourism Today: A geographical analysis, (Tokyo, Akashi Syoten, 2001), 524pp. (Previous editions of the book have appeared in French and Italian).

Pearce, D. G. and Butler, R.W.(eds), Contemporary Issues in Tourism Development (London, Routledge, 1999), 272pp.

Pearce, D.G. Tourism Today, a Geographical Analysis, New York, Longman, Harlow and Wiley, Second edition 1995), pp.202. [Italian edition: Turismo Oggi: flussi e regioni nel mercato delle vacanze, Turin, Ulissedizioni, 1989: 218p. [French edition: Geographie du Tourisme. Paris, Editorial Nathan], [Japanese edition: Gendai Kanko Chirigaku, Akashi Syoten, Tokyo, 2001]

Pearce, D.G. and Butler, R.W.(eds), Tourism Research: Critiques and Challenges (London, Routledge, 1993), 220pp.

Pearce, D.G. Tourist Organisations (Harlow, Longman and New York, Wiley, 1992), 219pp.

Pearce, Doug (1989) Tourist Development, (Harlow, Longman and New York, Wiley, 1989, 2nd edition), 341pp. [Spanish edition: Desarrollo Turistico: su planificacion y ubicacion geograficas, Mexico City. Editorial Trillas, 1988. 168pp.


Pearce, D.G. (2017) Destination management and visitor management: non-convergent literatures but complementary activities and issues, pp. 9-21in J. Albrecht (Ed.) Visitor Management in Tourist Destinations (CABI, Wallingford).

Pearce, D.G. (2011) ‘Tourism, trams and local government policy-making: a longitudinal perspective’, in J. Jenkins and D. Dredge (eds) Stories of Practice: Tourism Planning and Policy, Ashgate, pp.57-78.

Pearce, D.G. and Schott, C. (2010) 'Tourism and climate change in New Zealand: public and private sector responses', in Schott, C. (ed). Tourism and the implications of Climate Change: Issues and Actions (Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing), pp165-186.

Pearce, D.G. (2009) ‘Tourism distribution: from structure to strategy’, in J. Ateljevic and S. Page (eds) Progress in Tourism and Entrepreneurship: Global Perspective, (Oxford,Butterworth-Heinemann,), pp.313-334.I

Pearce D G. 'From the geography of tourism to tourism management', in The Discovery of Tourism, edited by Stephen L. J. Smith (UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010), 13, 1 Ed, pp. 139-152.

Pearce D G. 'Introduction: looking back, moving forward', in Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision, edited by Douglas G. Pearce & Richard W. Butler (Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers Limited, 2010), 1 Ed, pp. 1-12.

Pearce D G. 'Tourism distribution: a review and strategic research agenda', in Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision, edited by Douglas G. Pearce & Richard W. Butler (Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers Limited, 2010), 1 Ed, pp. 94-107.

Pearce D. G. 'Tourism planning in small tropical islands: methodological considerations and development issues in Samoa', in Coastal Tourism Development, edited by Dowling R. & Pforr C. (New York, Cognizant Communication Corporation, 2010), 1st Ed, pp. 135-150.

Pearce D. G. Butler R W, 'Conclusions: trends and advances in tourism research', in Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision, edited by Douglas G. Pearce & Richard W. Butler (Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers Limited, 2010), 1 Ed, pp. 229-237.

Pearce, D. G. ‘L’Aménagement du tourisme sur quelques rivages insulaires d’Asie et du Pacifique’ in R. Amirou, P. Bachimon, J-M. Dewailly and Jacques Malezieux (eds), Tourisme et souci de l'autre. Mélanges offerts à Georges Cazes (Paris, L'Harmattan, 2005), pp.169-184.

Pearce, D.G. 'Orientaciones actuales y futures en la investigacion turistica', in E. Ortega Martinez (ed), Investigacion y Estrategias Turisticas (Madrid, Thomson, 2003), pp. 91-105.

Pearce, D.G. 'Towards a regional analysis of tourism in Southeast Asia', in Teo, P., Chang, T.C. and Ho Kong Chong (eds), Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia, (Pergamon, 2001), pp. 27-43.

Pearce, D.G. 'Urban tourism: an analytical framework for planning, management and research', in Bao Jigang, Pan Ringlian and G. Wall (eds), Urban Tourism: theory and practice (Beijing, Science Press, 2001), pp. 223-229.

Pearce, D.G. and Sowman, P., 'Tourism, National Parks and Visitor Management', in R.W. Butler and S.W. Boyd (eds), Tourism and National Parks: Issues and Implications, (Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2000), pp. 223-243.

Pearce, Doug, 'Introduction: issues and approaches', in D.G. Pearce and R.W. Butler (eds), Contemporary Issues in Tourism Development (London, Routledge,1999), pp. 1-12.

Conference presentations

Pearce, D.G. 'Advancing tourism research: issues and responses', in W. Alejziak and R. Winiarski (eds), Tourism in Scientific Research, (Rzezsow, Krakow-Rzezsow, Academy of Physical Education in Krakow, 2005), pp. 7-20.

Pearce, D.G. 'Los canales de distibucion, un enfoque integrado', Jounada Internacional de Teoria y Praxis de la Geografia Turistica en el Siglo XXI, (Universitat de les Illes Balears, December 2003).

Edited collections

Pearce D. G. Butler R W, Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision (Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers Limited, 2010), 1 Ed., 241pp.

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism Organisations', in J. Jafari (ed), Encyclopedia of Tourism (London, Routledge, 2000), pp. 586-588.

Published conference papers

Pearce, D.G. ‘From development to destination management: international perspectives on major coastal resorts’, 2010 Saemangeum Tourism Development Symposium, Byunsan Daemyung Resort, Korea, pp.112-123.

Pearce, D.G. “Desafios y oportunidades en la investgación turística en el mundo', Annales Primer Congreso de la Sociedad de Investigadores en Turismo de Chile, Universidad de Talca, Talca (2008), pp.20-35.

Sharda, S. and Pearce, D.G. 'Distribution in Emerging Tourism Markets: the case of Indian travel to New Zealand', S-J Suh and Y-H Hwang (eds), Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association 11th Conference "New Tourism for Asia Pacific", (Goyang, Korea, 2005), pp. 595-605.

Pearce, D.G. 'Developing competitive urban tourism destinations: international perspectives', International Forum on Tourism Industrialization', (Guangzhou, November 2005).

Pearce, D.G. 'Advancing tourism research: issues and responses', Tourism in Scientific Research, (Krakow-Rzezsow, Academy of physical Education in Krakow, Rzezsow, 2005).

Pearce, D.G. 'Advancing Tourism Research: Issues and Responses', in Smith, Karen A. and Schott, Christian (eds), New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 2004: Tourism Research: Advances and Applications (Wellington, VUW, 2004), pp. 1-10.

Tan, R. and Pearce, D.G. 'Providers' and Intermediaries' Use of the Internet in Tourism Distribution', in Smith, Karen A. and Schott, Christian (eds), Proceedings of the New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 2004: Tourism Research: Advances and Applications (Wellington, VUW, 2004), CD-ROM, pp. 424-432. Ms Raewyn Tan (Author).

Pearce, D.G. Tan, R. and Schott, C., 'Distribution channels for urban tourism: issues and examples from Wellington, New Zealand', Proceeding of the Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference "Urban Tourism-mapping the future" (Glasgow, Travel & Tourism Research Association - Europe, 2003), CD-ROM. Dr Christian Schott (Author), Ms Raewyn Tan (Author).

Pearce, D.G. 'Tourism distribution channels: a systematic integrated approach', Best Paper Proceedings 6th International Forum on the Sciences, Techniques and Art Applied to Marketing (Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2003), pp. 345-363.

Pearce, D.G. 'Japanese domestic tourism: tradition and modernity', In P. Morris (ed), Dynamics of Japanese Tourism in New Zealand, (Asian Studies Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, 2002).

Pearce, D.G. and Tan, R., 'Tourism distribution channels: a destination perspective', In W. G. Croy (ed), New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Conference Proceedings, (Waiariki Institute of Technology, Rotorua, 2002), pp. 242-250. Ms Raewyn Tan (Author).


Pearce, D. G. 'Tourism Development and National Tourist Organizations in Small Developing Countries: the Case of Samoa', D.G. Pearce and R.W. Butler(eds) Contemporary Issues in Tourism Development, (London, Routledge, 1999), pp. 143-157.

Butler, R.W. and Pearce, D.(eds), Change in Tourism: People, Places, Processes (Routledge, London, 1995), 250pp.