Dr Brenda Chawner

Brenda Chawner profile picture photograph


Brenda's main research interest is in the development of free/libre and open source (FLOSS) software for libraries, in particular factors that affect the roles that participants take on in software development projects, and has recently completed a PhD entitled 'Factors Influencing Participant Satisfaction with Free/Libre and Open Source Software Projects'. In 2011 Brenda took on the role as the new editor of the New Zealand Library and Information Management Journal (NZLIMJ) .


B.Sc, MLS, Alberta; PhD, Victoria

Current research

Brenda's PhD explored factors that affect participants' satisfaction with free/libre and open source software development projects, particularly in the field of library and information management. Her other research interests relate to user interfaces and usability, and she is also interested in access to business information (in a broad sense), particularly in the New Zealand context.

Selected publications

Anwyll, R., & Chawner, B. L. (2013). Social Media and Readers Advisory - A Win-Win Combination?. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 53, 1, 18-22.

Chawner, B. L., & Oliver, G. C. (2013). A Survey of New Zealand Academic Reference Librarians: Current and Future Skills and Competencies. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 44, 1, 29-39.

Bainbridge, K., & and Chawner, B. (2012) The Use of e-books in New Zealand Primary Schools. International Journal of Learning Technology, 7(1), 41 -57.

Oliver, G., Chawner, B., & Liu, H. (2011). Implementing Digital Archives: Issues of Trust. Archival Science, 11(3-4), 311-327.

Cullen, R., & Chawner, B. (2011). Institutional Repositories, Open Access, and Scholarly Communication: A Study of Conflicting Paradigms. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(6), 460-470.

Cullen, R., & Chawner, B. (2010). Institutional Repositories: Assessing Their Value to the Academic Community. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 11(2), 131-147.

Cullen, R., & Chawner, B. (2009). Institutional Repositories in Tertiary Institutions: Access, Delivery and Performance. In J. R. Griffiths & J. Craven (Eds.), Access, Delivery, Performance: the Future of Libraries Without Aalls: A Festschrift to Celebrate the Work of Professor Peter Brophy, 113-144. London: Facet.

Cullen, R. & Chawner B. (2008). Institutional Respositories in New Zealand: Comparing Institutional Strategies for Digital Preservation and Discovery. International Association of Technological University Libraries 2008 Proceedings.

Chawner, B. (2008). Spectators, Not layers: Information Managers' Use of Web 2.0 in New Zealand. The Electronic Library, 26(5), 630-649.

Chawner, B., & Lewis, P. (2006). Wikiwikiwebs: new ways of communicating in a Web environment. Information Technology and Libraries, 25 (1), 33-43.