Publications Martin Manning


Recent refereed papers, books and chapters

Manning, M., Lawrence,  J., King,  D.N., & Chapman, R. (2014). Dealing with changing risks: a New Zealand perspective on climate change adaptation. Regional Environmental Change.

Brailsford, G.W., Stephens, B.B., Gomez, A.J., Riedel, K.T., Fletcher, S.E.M., Nichol, S.E., & Manning, M.R. (2012). Long term continuous atmospheric CO2 measurements at Baring Head, New Zealand. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussion, 5(4), 5889-5912.

Stephens, B.B., Brailsford, G.W., Gomez, A.J., Riedel, K., Fletcher, S.E.M., Nichol, S., & Manning, M. (2012). Analysis of a 39-year continuous atmospheric CO2 record from Baring Head, New Zealand. Biogeosciences Discussion, 9(10), 15237-15277.

Manning, M. & Reisinger, A. (2011). The science of climate change, its potential impacts and global response options. In A. Cameron (Ed.), Climate Change Law and Policy in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: LexisNexis Limited.

Manning, M., (2011). Climate change, science and society. In D. Held, M. Theros, A. Fane-Hervey (Eds.), The Governance of Climate Change: Science, Politics and Ethics. London, UK: Polity Books.

Reisinger, A., Meinshausen, M. & Manning, M. (2011). Future changes in global warming potentials under representative concentration pathways. Environmental Research Letters, 6(2), 024020.

Manning, M., & Reisinger, A. (2011). Broader perspectives for comparing different greenhouse gases. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369(1943), 1891-1905.

Reisinger, A., Meinshausen, M., Manning, M. &  Bodeker, G. (2010). Uncertainties of global warming metrics: CO2 and CH4. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L14707.

Manning, M., Edmonds, J., Emori, S., Gluber, A., Hibbard, K., Joss, F., & van Vuuren, D.P. (2010). Misrepresentation of the IPCC CO2 emission scenarios. Nature Geoscience, 3, 376-377.

Moss, R., Edmonds, J., Hibbard, K., Manning, M., Rose, S.K., van Vuuren, D.P., & Carter, T.R. (2010). The Next Generation of Scenarios for Climate Change Research and Assessment. Nature, 463, 747-756.

Reisinger, A., Mullan, A.B., Manning, M., Wratt, D.W., & Nottage, R.A.C. (2010). Global and local climate change scenarios to support adaptation in New Zealand. In R.A.C. Nottage, D.S. Wratt, J.F. Bornman, & K. Jones (Eds.),Climate change adaptation in New Zealand: Future scenarios and some sectoral perspectives (Chapter 2, pp. 26-43). New Zealand Climate Change Centre, Victoria University of Wellington.

Solomon, S., & Manning, M. (2008). IPCC Must Maintain Rigor (invited Editorial). Science, 319(5869), 1457.

Solomon, S., Alley, R., Gregory, J., Lemke, P., & Manning, M. (2008). A Closer Look at the IPCC Report, Science, 319(5862), 409-410.

Moss, R., Babiker, M., Brinkman, S., Calvo, E., Carter, T., Edmonds, J. , ..., & Zurek, M. (2008). Towards New Scenarios for Analysis of Emissions, Climate Change, Impacts, and Response Strategies,IPCC Expert Meeting Report 19-21 September 2007 (pp.25). Geneva, Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Collins, W., Colman, R., Haywood, J., Manning, M.R., & Mote, P (2007). The physical science behind climate change. Scientific American, 297, 64-71.

Pachauri, R.K., Reisinger, A., Nottage, R., Madan, P., & Core Writing Team (including Manning M.), IPCC, (2007). Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC. Geneva, Switzerland: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Solomon, S., Qin, D., Manning, M., Alley, R.B., Berntsen, T., Bindoff, & Overpeck, J., et al. (2007). Technical Summary. In S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K. B. Averyt, M. Tignor & H. L. Miller (Eds.), Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp.19-91). UK: Cambridge University Press.

Manning, M. (2006). The treatment of uncertainties in the fourth IPCC assessment report. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2, 13-21.

Editorial roles

Solomon, S., Qin, D., Manning, M., Chen, Z., Marquis, M., Averyt, K., Tignor, M., Miller, H.L. (Eds.) (2007).IPCC, 2007: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UK: Cambridge University Press.(This received the 2007 Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI) Science and Technology Category Award for high impact comprehensive publication.)

Reports, editorials and popular articles

Manning, M. (2011). We Need to Know More about Atmospheric Chemistry. Chemistry in New Zealand, 75(2), 78-84.

Baisden, W.T., & Manning, M. (2011).Editorial: The New Zealand carbon cycle: from regional budget to global cycle. Biogeochemistry, 104(1-3), 1-4.

Shand, R.D., & Manning, M. (2010). New approaches in sea level research. Coastal News, 45, 1-4.

Nisbet, E., & Manning, M. (2009). The Global Atmosphere: Greenhouse gases and urban pollution. WMO Bulletin, 58(1), 16-21.

Manning, M., Reisinger, A., & Bodeker, G. (2009). Global Warming Potential and Alternate Metrics (NZCCRI 2009-04). New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington.

Manning, M., Reisinger, A., Barrett, P., Boston, J., & Chapman, R. (2009). Submission on the Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme and related matters (NZCCRI 2009-02). New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington.

Manning, M., Reisinger, A., & Wratt, D. (2009). A Summary of the Assessment Process of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (NZCCRI 2009-01). New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington.

Bertram, G., Barrett, P., Boston, J., Chapman, R., Lawrence, J., Manning, M., & Reisinger, A. (2009). Submission on the Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Bill.  New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington.

Lassey, K.R., Manning, M.R., Bodeker, G.E., & Allan, W. (2008). Global Warming Potentials and alternative metrics (NIWA Client Report:  WLG2008-34, pp.36). Wellington:  New Zealand National for Water and Atmospheric REseartch - NIWA.

Published conference papers

Manning, M., & Swart, R. (2009).  Methods for Assessing Uncertainties in Climate Change, Impacts and Responses. In American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, NH52A-1. Washington D.C., USA: American Geophysical Union

Presentations available from conferences and expert meetings

2011 - 2010

Manning, M. (2011, July). Why all Gases are not created equal: CO2 versus Methane and why GWPs are not the full story. Invited presentation at Metrics for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, New Zealand Climate Change Centre, Wellington.

Manning, M. (2011, June). Global Risk Management. In Land-based Carbon emissions – the science and the sense. Invited prsentation at  Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2011, May). The Need to Manage Global Risk from Climate Change. Invited presentation at Congreso Internacional Cambio Climático, Rettoss y Deciissiioness, Enlaces Asociados, Pereira, Colombia.

Manning, M. (2011, March).Risks and consequences, timescales and uncertainties. Invited presentation at Climate Futures Pathways for Society, Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington.

Manning, M., Moss, R., Mak, D.L.J., & Brailsford, G. (2011, March) 14CO: The key indicator for atmospheric chemistry and climate change. Invited presentation at AMS-12 Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2010, November). Climate Change and Sustainable Development: How do we manage it? Invited presentation at UNAM Centenary First symposium: The environment and a sustainable development Mexico City.

Manning, M. (2010, November). An Update on the Science - an IPCC Perspective. Invited presentation at the IDF World Dairy Summit 2010, International Dairy Federation and Fonterra New Zealand, Auckland.

Manning, M. (2010, November). Our Changing Climate Means we have New Social and Intergenerational Responsibilities. Invited opening talkat the International Council of Women Asia-Pacific Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2010, October). The IPCC 5th Assessment: Goals and Challenges. Invited presentation at MIT Global Change Forum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Universite Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.

Manning, M., (2010, September). Sea level rise: New observations and new estimates for the future. Invited presentation at the Media Briefing on Implications of Sea Level Rise, Royal Society of New Zealand and the Science Media Centre, Wellington New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2010, September). A growing need for links between Society, Policy and Research on Climate Change. Invited presentation at the School of Government public lecture, Victoria University of Wellington School of Government, Wellington.

Manning, M. (2010, July). Can we be resilient enough to deal with a changing climate? Invited presentation at the Resilience Workshop No 3, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2010, July). Uncertainties in the AR5. Invited presentation at IPCC Cross-Working Group Meeting on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties, IPCC Working Group II, Stanford, California, USA.

Manning, M. (2010, May). Perspectives from the past: Implications for sea level rise. Invited presentation at The Science of Climate Change, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand, Napier, New Zealand.

Manning, M., & Reisinger, A. (2010, February). Growing priority for understanding greenhouse gases in a policy Perspective. Invited opening talk at the Greenhouse gases in the Earth system: Setting the agenda to 2030, Royal Society, London, UK.

2009 - 2008

Reisinger, A., Manning, M., Bodeker, G., & Meinshausen, M. (2009,October ). Metrics of global warming: uncertainties of GWPs and GTPs and an alternative approach to comparing greenhouse gases to achieve stabilisation targets. Paper presented at The 2009 ANZSEE Conference "Green Mileage in the Global Meltdown: An Ecological Economics Way Forward", Darwin Convention Centre, Australia.

Manning, M.R. (2009, October ). Dealing with climate change: requires more cross-disciplinary studies. Oral presentation at The Next Steps for Living with Climate Change, Wellington City Council and NZ Climate Change Research Institute, Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008, April). Climate change: Reflections on science and policy. Invited presentation at the Climate Change Law Summit, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008). Climate Change: What’s the problem. Future maker or future taker? Invited IPS Spring Lecture Series, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008, August). Climate change: managing the unavoidable.  Invited presentation at the NZ Contractors Federation Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008). CO2 and climate. Invited to a series of 4 lectures at the 5th International Seminar on Climate System and Climate Change (ISCS). China Meteorological Agency (CMA). Lanzhou, China.

Manning, M. (2008). The science behind the challenge.  Invited presentation at the World Environment Day Business Symposium, New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development & Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand.

Manning, M. R. (2008). The carbon cycle: An emerging nexus between science and policy. Invited presentation at the Carbon Workshop: Global Cycle to Regional Budget, (Mike Harvey), Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008). Missing links: Gaps in New Zealand’s climate change research. Presentation at the Victoria University of Wellington Research Luncheon, Wellesley Club, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008). IPCC AR4 Working Group I: A summary and some lessons learned.  Seminar presentation at Royal Holloway College, University of London, Prof Euan Nisbet, RHUL Geology Department, RHUL, Egham, UK.

Manning, M. (2008). Lessons learned from the IPCC fourth assessment report: Where next for the IPCC. Seminar presentation at University of East Anglia , Andrew Manning, UEA, Norwich, UK.

Manning, M. (2008). Climate change: targets, timetables, equity. Presentation at Post-2012 Climate Change Roundtable Series, Institute of Policy Studies, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008). Global warming potentials. Presentation at Post-2012 Climate Change Roundtable Series, Institute of Policy Studies, Wellington, New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008). Emissions scenario development and climate modelling for the next IPCC assessment and their implications for NZ and Australia research planning. Presentation at World Environment Day Breakfast Event, Ministry of Research Science and Technology, Wellington,  New Zealand.

Manning, M. (2008, January). IPCC AR4 Working Group I: The physical science basis. Invited presentation at the IPIECA Symposium, (Robert Siveter, Brigitte Poot), Brussels, Belgium.


Manning, M. (2007, December). The IPCC fourth assessment synthesis report: Topic 1 Observed changes in climate and their effects and Topic 2: Causes of change. Invited presentation at the 13th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (UNFCCC Secretariat), Bali, Indonesia.

Manning, M. (2007, November). The science of climate change – Facing the facts. Presentation at Irish Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Lecture Series, (EPA), Dublin, Ireland.

Manning, M. (2007, November). The evidence for warming and its causes. Invited presentation at Florida House of Representatives, Environment & Natural Resources Council, Symposium on the Science and Economics of Climate Change, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.

Manning, M. (2007, October). The physical science of climate change: What we know and what we don’t. Invited presentation at Finding the Balance: Energy and Climate Summit, University of Wyoming, USA.

Manning, M. R. (2007, September). The IPCC Working Group I Assessment of physical climate change. Invited presentation at Climate Change and Human Health, The Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine, and The National Research Council’s Climate Research Committee, San Francisco, USA.

Manning, M. (2007, July). Aspects of the 2007 IPCC assessment of climate change: Why it is later than you may think. Invited Presentation (Sir Howard Dalton, Chief Scientific Advisor). Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London, UK, 9 July 2007.

Manning, M.R. (2007, July). Climate change 2007: The physical science basis. Invited presentation at the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly: Earth Our Changing Planet (IAMAS special event), Perugia, Italy.

Manning, M. (2007June). IPCC Working Group I Assessment of physical climate change. Invited presentation at the Biodiversity-Climate Interactions: Adaptation, mitigation and human livelihoods, Royal Society and UK Global Environmental Change Committee Biodiversity sub-committee workshop, London.

Manning, M. (2007).IPCC Working Group I Assessment of physical climate change.Invited presentation at the Annual Seminar: Current status of research on the climate change, Electric Power Research Institute, Washington DC, USA.

Manning, M. (2007, May).Climate change 2007: Observations and drivers of climate change. Invited presentation at the 26th Session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany.

Manning, M. (2007, May). Climate change 2007: Observations and drivers of climate change. Invited presentation at The 15th WMO Congress (World Meteorological Organization), Geneva, Switzerland.

Manning, M. (2007, March). Climate change 2007: Physical science considerations for policymakers. Presentation at the School of Government, Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

Manning, M. (2007, March). Climate change 2007: Why it’s later than you think. Invited presentation at  the School of Geography, Environmental and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.