Sociology and Social Policy

Get to know our Sociology students and gain an insight into their research.

Mitch Davies profile-picture photograph

Mitch Davies

Tracing Sociotechnical Networks in Organisations: An Actor-Network Approach | MA Thesis

Supervisor: Dr Mike Lloyd

Secondary supervisor: Dr Grant Jun Otsuki

Dani Pickering profile-picture photograph

Dani Pickering

Restoring relationality: tracing the evolving cognitive praxis of the Tiriti education movement | PhD Thesis

Supervisor: Dr Amanda Thomas

Secondary supervisor: Associate Professor Marcelle Dawson

Hafsa Tameez profile-picture photograph

Hafsa Tameez

The Wise Ones are all Mad: Cultural Dimensions of Mental Health over Time in India | PhD Thesis

Supervisor: Associate Professor Chamsy el-Ojeili

Secondary supervisor: Professor Kevin Dew