The bear essentials of Victoria graduation ceremonies

Victoria graduation ceremonies aren't complete without the traditional Victoria graduation bears.

A close-up of two Graduation bears

These little guys come kitted out in full academic regalia, with miniature mortarboards, gowns and hoods in all the correct degree colours.

They’re a labour of love for Heather Seabright, a Wellington-based designer and seamstress, who has been making the regalia for the bears since 1993. She started soon after finishing a fashion design and textile course, and the work still makes up a large part of her made-to-measure tailoring business.

“They’re a lot of fun to make, although the regalia is pretty fiddly since it’s so small.”

Heather estimates it takes her around an hour to make a full set of regalia for each bear, although the work doesn’t stop there.

Once the bears’ outfits are finished, they’re sent to Juliet Blyth, General Manager of Vic Books, who sews on the Victoria University labels.

According to Juliet, it’s the personal touch that counts. “Graduation is a big milestone in people’s lives. It’s nice to think that when family and friends buy a bear as a memento of the day, the graduates aren’t being given something mass produced but a gift that people have taken time and care over.”