Dr Janice Cheng

Janice Cheng profile picture photograph

Janice holds an undergraduate degree with honours in Biomedical Science, and a PhD in chemistry and immunology—both from Victoria University of Wellington. While working under the supervision of Associate Professors Bridget Stocker and Mattie Timmer, Janice developed ‘glowing’ glycolipid adjuvants derived from marine sponges, for use in cancer immunotherapy.

Her role at Victoria University of Wellington now is twofold: she spends half her time supporting Wellington UniVentures' biochemistry portfolio, and the other half doing benchwork at the Ferrier Research Institute with Professor Gavin Painter, who also specialises in glycolipids.

Janice worked in Melbourne for three years as a postdoctoral fellow on projects around antigen recognition, under the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging.

Read more about Janice's appointment by Wellington UniVentures.