Agnes Szabo

Senior Lecturer
School of Health

Lecturer School of Psychology
Fellow Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research


Journal articles

Szabo, A., Pálinkás, R., & Miklós, N. (in press). Ideological orientation and life satisfaction in Hungarian older adults: The mediating role of commitment to societal values. Alkalmazott Pszichológia.

Szabo, A., Ward, C., & Fletcher, G. J. O. (2016). Stress appraisal, information processing strategies, and somatic symptoms: A longitudinal study with immigrants. Journal of Health Psychology.doi: 10.1177/1359105316678306

Szabo, A., Stephens, C., Allen, J., & Alpass, F. (2016). Construct validation of Wenger’s support network typology. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbw126

Szabo, A., Ward, C., & Fletcher, G. J. O. (2016). Identity processing styles during cultural transition: Construct and measurement. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 47, 483-507. doi:  10.1177/0022022116631825

Szabo, A., Ward, C., & Jose, P. E. (2016). Uprooting stress, coping and anxiety: A longitudinal study of international students in New Zealand. International Journal of Stress Management, 23, 190-208. doi:

Szabo, A., & Ward, C. (2015). Identity development during cultural transition: The role of social-cognitive identity processes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 46,  13-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2015.03.019

Szabo, A., Milfont, T. L., Merry, S. N., Robinson, E. M., Crengle, S., Ameratunga, S. N., & Denny, S. J. (2014). Equivalence of the Short Form of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale across Groups. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 43, 592-600. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2013.848770

Book chapters

Jose, P. E., & Szabo, A. (2016). Inferential statistics. In Dominic Wyse, Larry E. Suter, Emma Smith, & Neil Selwyn (eds.), The BERA/SAGE Handbook of Educational Research.

Ward, C., Szabo. A., & Stuart, J. (2016). Prejudice against immigrants in multicultural societies. In Chris Sibley, & Fiona K. Barlow. (eds), The Cambridge handbook of the psychology of prejudice.

Bethel, A., Szabo, A., & Ward, C. (2016). Parallel lives? Predicting and enhancing connectedness between international and domestic students. In Jindal-Snape, D., & Rienties, B. (eds), Multidimensional transitions of international students to higher education (pp. 21-36). Routledge: New York.